Important! Avoid these email marketing mistakes at all costs!

Humans are known to make mistakes and this seems to hold especially true for online marketers. Online marketing involves representing ourselves in front of thousands of people and even the smallest of mistakes can spell disaster.

Email marketing is one area of online marketing where people make mistakes very often. CreativeTribe has identified some common mistakes that many email marketers make. These include:

Sending emails from a personal account – This prevents marketers from tracking their email campaigns effectively. The best solution to this problem is by using an email service provider.

Not sending a test email – This often results in sending out emails with broken links and misspellings. This mistake can easily be avoided by sending a test mail to yourself, a friend or a co-worker.

Sending emails without permission – This is the biggest mistake of email marketing. Not only does it qualify you as a spammer, but it’s also a major offence in some countries. Don’t do this unless you’re ready to jeopardise your reputation and pay some hefty fines.

CreativeTribe has always avoided these email marketing mistakes and ensures to follow ethical marketing standards in all areas of online marketing.

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